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About The Silver Spoons Collective

We are a sisterhood on a mission to heal the collective wounds of the Burning Times through education, inner journey work, ancestral trauma clearing, creative expression, ceremony and ritual. 

We are based in the UK with sisters in England, Wales and the USA and are working to heal our own inherited trauma so that we may show up in the world rooted, supported, connected and joyful. 

The Burning Times created an archetypal wound in the psyche of humanity that has perpetuated and normalised beliefs and behaviours that keep us separate and isolated, competing and comparing, and living through trauma-responses of fight, flight, freeze.

As we transform this trauma together, we discover the gifts of clarity, love, humility, and community. Our purpose is to share our work in ways which support others to heal so that together we may change the power-over and fear-based  collective narrative.


An Exhibition of Hystory, Healing and Hope

4th-28th January 2022 at The Storey, Lancaster

"I Am Witch ~ Tales from the Roundhouse" is an educational and experiential exhibition which explores the history of the Burning Times, how epigenetically inherited trauma from those times continues to affect us today, and how creativity, ceremony and sisterhood offer all of us, a pathway to healing. 

We invite you to join us as we follow the red thread weaving the creative expression of our inner healing journey's undertaken during the lockdowns of 2020/21. By  seeking to transform the inherited destructive belief systems and behavioural patterns passed down through 20+ generations we step fully into our authentic selves as women and experience the power of sisterhood.

We invite you to come with us on an evocative journey of interactive installations, painting, film, music, performance,  story-telling, sculpture and writing which offers you an opportunity for reflection, remembrance and reconnection.  

Alongside the exhibition is a programme of live events which deepen into the healing of ancestral wounds and celebrate the true power and potential of women. And if you're called to explore further, we invite you to join us for our daily workshop series which offers you pathways to your own healing and empowerment.

About the Exhibition...

*The Exhibition runs for 26 days from 4th-28th January 2022
*Opening hours are 10am-7pm Monday to Saturday
*A few of us will be present each day to guide and answer questions
*Some of the exhibition pieces offer you an opportunity to participate and contribute to this collective healing opportunity
*Due to the nature of some content, the Exhibition is not suitable for under 12s
*We recommend 3 hours for a comprehensive visit
*Tickets are £13, Students & OAPs £7, Teens 13-18 go free
*Some bursary tickets are available for those in financial hardship - please apply
*A tree will be planted for every ticket sold in partnership with TreeSisters 
*50% of profit will be donated to charities working to stop modern day witch hunts in Africa and India

Becky Bohan

The Mothers Touch

Hertfordshire, UK



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