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Self Care Circle

Self Care Circle


Traditionally women would have gathered in ceremonies and rituals, they say the term “it takes a village” but in modern day our villages have been dispersed, family rarely live in close proximity and communities can be disconnected. Leaving us disconnected, feeling vulnerable to loneliness, isolation, and burnout. Not having the support of other women as our ancestors depended on.

I attended a seminar in 2012 where I met Naomi Stadlen author of What Mothers Do.

I read her book when I had my first baby while at during in training and studying as a gentle parenting teacher. It was such a huge relief to realise the thoughts and feelings were not so crazy. I was not a complete failure. I was a new mother adjusting into a new role. I had never done this before everything was new. Even the second and third time. I was lucky to have a beautifully sweet stepson, but even that did not prepare me for motherhood and all that it brings with it.

Naomi held space to allow women to just talk. Listening to the women made me realise many of the things said were very similar to my own experiences. Why doesn’t anybody talk about this stuff? Just to share and listen felt so healing.

I later discovered Woman’s Circles such as Red Tent, which usually timed around the Moon cycles, which came at the perfect time for me. I had moved to a new town and had 3 children under 5, I was overwhelmed and didn’t really know many people. A sharing circle is so sacred. Nobody judges, nobody interrupts! You just feel held, loved, and supported able to share whatever you need to in that moment. And it really does feel good to get things off your chest. Suddenly things do not seem so bad. And you meet amazing women who become a sisterhood.

I started a Full Moon Healing Circle in 2018 which was originally going to be a Reiki share however it evolved looking at the Moon Cycles and all different modalities of healing and spiritual practices including meditation and crystals to name two of my favourites.

Then in 2020 during a Covid-19 lockdown I put together The Mothers Circle, which was a place where burnout mums could gather to share, feel supported and heard.

Evolving once again I now invite you to the ‘Self Care Circle’ which brings together all the above in a wonderful supportive community.

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Becky Bohan

The Mothers Touch

Hertfordshire, UK



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